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    Transform Lives with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Wheaton College


    About Our Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Program

    • Comprehensive, justice-focused program integrating biblical values and a commitment to marginalized communities.

    In the final stages of APA accreditation. Anticipated completion date: Spring 2025.

    Wheaton Classroom


    Credit Hours

    5 Years

    Program Duration

    Dec. 15

    Application Deadline

    Making Your Education Affordable

    100% of Accepted Students Receive a Scholarship!

    • Scholarships range from $24,000 to $48,000 over 4 years.
    • Join a program with a 99% pre-doctoral match rate.
    • Stipends for research and conference travel available.

    Comprehensive Curriculum and Cutting-Edge Research

    • Biological Bases of Behavior
    • Cognitive Behavioral Theory and Practice
    • Community and Preventive Psychology
    • Family Systems Theory and Therapy
    • Psychoanalytic and Contemporary Psychodynamic Theory and Practice
    • Theological Anthropology
    • Psychopharmacology
    • Neuropsychology Assessment
    • Child & Adolescent Interventions
    • Advanced Trauma Informed Care
    • Trauma Informed Care
    • Neuropsychology
    • Couples and Families
    • Pediatric Clinical Psychology
    • The Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative
    • Neurocognitive Functioning Lab
    • Psychology and Spirituality Research Lab
    • Sexual and Gender Identity Lab
    • Urban Community Health Lab
    • Youth Risk and Resilience Lab
    • Morality, Truth, and Motivation Lab

    For more information on these labs, check out this recent article!

    Learn from Leading Psychologists

    Sally Schwer
    Sally Schwer Canning, Ph.D.
    Director, Urban Community Health Lab
    Research Interests:
    • Research that seeks to provide both care to underserved populations and understand those who have been historically excluded from psychology studies
    • Supporting the health and flourishing of families living in poor, urban areas as well as those who serve and work with them
    • Topics include: research on medical providers in an urban primary care clinic system and understanding the experiences of women exiting the sale of sex and opioid addiction
    Check out a sample of Dr. Canning’s research here.
     James Cornwell
    James Cornwell, Ph.D.
    Director, Morality, Truth, and Motivation Lab
    Research Interests:
    • Motivational theory with an emphasis on moral motivations and establishing truth
    • Function of ethics and character in personal life and organizations
    • How individuals, dyads, and groups work together to establish what is true, particularly with regard to ambiguous or inherently non-empirical realities, such as moral theories or beliefs about God and the supernatural
    Check out a sample of Dr. Cornwell’s research here.
      Ward Davis, Psy.D.
    Ward Davis, Psy.D.
    Director, Psychology and Spirituality Research Lab
    Research Interests:
    • Relational Spirituality - the ways people view and relate to God
    • Scientific study of God representations including doctrinal (“head knowledge”) and experiential (“heart knowledge”)
    • Positive psychology, Multicultural psychology, and Assessment psychology
    Check out a sample of Dr. Davis' research here.
     John McConnell
    John McConnell, Ph.D.
    Co-Director, The Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative
    Research Interests:
    • Research methodology and statistics
    • Peace, diversity, and biblical/social justice in a variety of contexts
    • Develop holistically in a multicultural ecology in which we develop not just our knowing and doing but also our very being
    Check out a sample of Dr. McConnell’s research here.
     Benjamin Pyykkonen
    Benjamin Pyykkonen, Ph.D.
    Director, Neurocognitive Functioning Lab
    Research Interests:
    • Developing strategies to maximize functional status in the individual by developing coping/inoculation strategies
    • Specific strategies include developing tools for more accurate diagnosis/differential diagnosis, better understanding of cognitive and functional profiles, development of remediation strategies, and minimizing the impact of stigma on these groups
    Check out a sample of Dr. Pyykkonen’s research here.
    Sandra Yu Rueger
    Sandra Yu Rueger, Ph.D., L.M.F.T.
    Director, Youth Risk and Resilience Lab
    Research Interests:
    • Risk and resilience factors related to adaptive coping and persistence in the face of negative life events with a consideration for differences based on gender or ethnicity/race
    • Multidisciplinary collaborations to support the mental health needs of youth and their families
    • Synthesizing knowledge from previous research using meta-analytic strategies and development and testing of psychometrically sound assessment tools used in research
    Check out a sample of Dr. Rueger’s research here.
     Mark Yarhouse
    Mark Yarhouse, Psy.D.
    Director, Sexual and Gender Identity Institute
    Research Interests:
    • Navigating religious identity and residual, dominant, and emerging sexual and gender identity taxonomies
    • Family and organizational consultations on religious faith and sexual or identity, gender dysphoria, transgender/non-binary experiences, and emerging gender identities
    • A domain-based approach to the integration of psychology and Christianity with reference to worldview, theoretical, applied, role, and personal integration
    Check out a sample of Dr. Yarhouse’s research here.

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    Student Testimonial:

    • "The experience of studying psychology in a cohort of diverse voices, united under a common faith, was transformative. I was challenged and encouraged in every class. I am a better psychologist and person because of my time at Wheaton."

    Corey Bolton ‘20 Psy.D.
    Assistant Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

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